Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Meet the Wolf Pack for New Moon ladies!!! What do we think? Roll call from left to right: Alex Meraz (playing Paul), Chaske Spencer (Sam Uley), Bronson Pelletier (Jared) and Kiowa Gordon (Embry Call).


Alaina Nelson said...

Not bad, not bad at all :)

Carrie and Jeff said...

That's freakin' hot!

Gallant Family said...

Amen, Carrie! Definitely a fan of the short hair. CAN'T WAIT!

McKell said...

Ow Ow!! I so can't wait for that movie! Love ya Jam face :)

*karen* said...

Hubba hubba! They look great for the part! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!